These Common Plumbing Complaints Are Actually Big Red Flags


Homeowners often assume that if there is something major wrong with their home or its plumbing, they will know. Often, plumbing problems are obvious. It's hard to ignore a flooding basement or sewage flowing up into your tub, for example. But there are other times when what seems like a minor issue is actually a big, red flag. If any of these problems are occurring in your home, you need to call a plumber ASAP.

4 April 2023

Areas In Your Home That Are Particularly Vulnerable To Mold


Mold is a quiet invader that can wreak havoc on your home and health. Knowing the common areas where mold can grow and taking preventative measures to keep your living space safe and healthy are vital. For any homeowner, there are a few tips that can help them mitigate this threat to their property. Tip: Do Not Let Your Bathroom Become A Breeding Ground For Mold Growth  The bathroom is an obvious target for mold due to the constant presence of moisture from showers, baths, and sinks.

4 April 2023

Signs You Should Call A Stucco Repair Company


Stucco can be an awesome siding material for homes. It has a sleek, modern look, comes in many colors, and is fairly durable. One hard thing about having stucco, however, is that once it starts to deteriorate, it continues to break down pretty quickly if you don't address the problem. In other words, what starts as a minor issue with your stucco can snowball quickly. It is therefore important that you're able to recognize and address the early signs of stucco damage.

3 March 2023

3 Types Of Residential Gutters You Can Install


If you are like many homeowners, you probably only think about your gutters once you start seeing water streaks on your fascia board or siding. However, your gutters go a long way in making your home sound, safe, and appealing. Do you plan to build a new home but do not know which gutters could give you value for your money? Do not worry. This article will highlight four gutters you could use to keep water damage at bay and elevate the appearance of your house.

20 January 2023

Home Waterproofing: A Step-By-Step Guide


Waterproofing is a home improvement project that can help protect your home from water damage. This process is done so that water doesn't penetrate the structure. The waterproofing process can be divided into three main steps, each of which is discussed in this article. Preparing the surface Before the actual waterproofing can begin, it's important to make sure that the surface you are waterproofing is clear of any debris or other materials that could interfere with the waterproofing process.

16 December 2022

Roofing Contractor: Your Complete Guide To Choosing The Right One


Choosing the right roofing contractor is an important decision. You want to ensure you find an experienced, reliable contractor with a good reputation. Here's a complete guide to help you choose the right roofing contractor. The Different Types of Roofing Contractors There are different types of roofing contractors. It can be hard to know which one is right for your needs. Here is a rundown of some of the different types of roofing contractors and what they specialize in.

30 November 2022

You Should Correct These 5 Problems During A Remodel


It is easy during kitchen remodeling projects to think of all the things you wish to change, especially if you're renovating a cooking space that someone else designed. However, it's important to have a checklist of things to correct during any remodel. Including these five items will help you build your checklist. Poor Lighting Nearly every kitchen has some flaws in terms of lighting. If you haven't become familiar with a kitchen's issues, perhaps because you haven't used it much after moving in, it's a good idea to get to know them.

24 October 2022